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Dain Walker – Personal Branding Kit【2024】{FULL COURSE + VIDEO} – ALL COURSES Lifetime Updates

Original price was: $379.00.Current price is: $25.00.

2024 Dain Walker Personal Branding Kit Branding 7.4 GB 25.00
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Here’s What’s Included:
We’re gonna get hands on with interactive exercises. Follow my lead.
We’re gonna go deep into strategy, working together to forge your very own personalized brand plan. Know clearly what you stand for.
Be capable, clear, and confident when portraying yourself publicly. Present powerfully and grow.

Craft Your Audience
Tactically unleash powerful and clever strategies to cultivate not only followers but an engaged and tailored fanbase you can monetise.
Overcome Your Fear
Learn how to break through the mental challenges or obstacles between where you are right now and where you want to be.
Define Your Path
Learn the essentials to identify your brand to separate you from others and be highly sought. Have impact and influence.
Build Your Credibility
Learn how to master credibility by becoming an iconic figure of authority in your industry, niche or field of expertise.
Intro, Set Up & Housekeeping
– Welcome
– Dain’s story
– Dain’s keynote

Module Outcome
Dain will welcome you with a dopamine burst to sustain you through the branding rollercoaster. Understand the mindset of how to approach the course materials and what you need to hand to get started.
Resources: Frameworks
– 4 Stages of Learning
– Chunking Up and Chunking down
– Values Cheat sheet

Module Outcome
These resources are here to support you throughout your journey. We’ll link them where relevant in each module so you always have them close to hand. These tools can help lend a hand if you get stuck trying to brain dump descriptive words or broaden your brainstorming.
Resources: Branding
– Understanding branding
– Personal VS Business Branding

Module Outcome
This is to introduce you to some common terminology in branding so you don’t get lost in brandinese. Know what branding clearly is and what is isn’t. We also touch on the differences between personal and business brands for those of you with companies connected to your name or who have done business branding before (yep, it’s a different beast altogether!)
Module 1: Setting Intentions
– Exercise 1: Casting Your Future Self

Module Outcome
It’s hard to know what you need to be and what you need to do as a personal brand if you don’t know what you want to have. This module is all about focusing on your goals and setting intentions. The outcome will be clarity, you will know who you need to be, and what steps to take, to get to where you want to go.
– Understand your uniqueness and niche
– Get clarity on your goals and next steps
– Confidently brief creatives
– Know exactly how to create viral content
– Know your audience and how to connect with them
– Overcome imposter syndrome with these easy actions
– Be able to describe your values and personality to others
– Overcome the inaction with these motivating insights

**File size:7.40 GB

** After purchase,kindly drop your gmail through chatbox 🙂
** File will be shared through google drive
** All of our courses are guaranteed to deliver with full materials. Anything needed just PM us 😀
** All of the contents are included EXCEPT membership based contents
** Please download ALL the course from google drive, if possible you may request us to remove you after you download the course AS google system will remove our access too due to too many users join the drive.
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